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14 Desember 2011

Dahlan Iskan Destroy Pertamina BOD

SOE Minister Dahlan Iskan overhaul the Board of Directors of PT Pertamina (Persero). Reshuffle had been decided in a letter dated December 9, 2011.

Pertamina spokesman M Harun in his statement in Jakarta on Friday, December 9, 2011 evening said they were included in the reshuffle list it among the ranks of the Director of Finance.

Initially, this position is held M Afdal Bahaudin. But Afdal is shifted to the Director of Planning and Investment Risk Management Pertamina. Afdal position is replaced by Andrew T Hidayat, formerly Finance Director of PT Pertamina EP, a subsidiary Pertamina.Sementara, other board positions are not changed.

Afdal to fill the position Director of Planning and Investment Risk Management which was left vacant after Frederick ST Siahaan since March 8, 2011.

The term of office Afdal continue with the remaining time according to Ministerial Decree No. SOE Kep-29/MBU/2010 dated February 19, 2010.

Overhaul are embodied in the Ministerial Decree No. SOE Kep-245/MBU/2011 on Termination, Transfer of Duties, and Appointment, Board Members Pertamina. "The decree signed by the Minister of SOEs Dahlan Iskan as GMS (general meeting of shareholders) Pertamina on December 9, 2011," he said.

As per the decision was also affirmed dismissal of Frederick. Frederick dismissed as Director of Investment Planning and Risk Management by March 8, 2011. Frederick had served five years as director at Pertamina.

Prior to his Director of Investment Planning and Risk Management since February 19, 2010, Ferederick is Finance Director of Pertamina by March 8, 2006.

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