After the collaboration with Microsoft had been confirmed, Nokia seems to be secretly working on a phone that is soon going to be launched running on the Windows Phone 7 operating system. Even though Nokia has not confirmed this news officially, there have been plenty of rumours regarding the availability of a phone called the Nokia N8-01, which is expected to be made official by the company within the next few months. It is a phone that will be taking some of the best features of the Nokia N8 and transforming them in such a way that they will be able to accept the newly formed operating system.
The Windows Phone 7 operating system was launched by Microsoft a few months ago and the Nokia N8-01 seems to be the best device that it is expected to come with. Even though there are plenty of phones available, one can say this confidently due to the expected presence of a 4 inch display in the Nokia N8-01. This display is also expected to offer around 960 by 540 pixels in terms of resolution, which is also going to be the best resolution on any Nokia phone so far. The usage of this high resolution display is going to be complimented by the presence of a dual core 1.2 GHz unit as the processor, which is also a first for Nokia. The usage of the dual core processor will also make the Nokia N8-01 the first device from Nokia to carry the dual core processor, while also becoming the first phone to run the Windows Phone 7 operating system on a dual core processor.
Given the incredible amount of graphical options present in the Windows operating system, one expects the dual core processor to be the perfect solution on the Nokia N8-01. The other options that are expected to be better than the current version of the Nokia N8 will be the camera that is expected to be a 14 megapixel unit. This is a major difference even when compared with the other high end smartphones, which come with about eight megapixel cameras on an average. The 12 megapixel unit of the Nokia N8 itself was much praised, but the usage of the 14 megapixel unit is going to move the goalposts even further. The presence of this incredible camera is expected to be complimented by the usage of a number of features like full HD video recording, which was absent on the Nokia N8.
One cannot doubt the performance offered by the 1.2 GHz dual core processor, which is going to provide a great performance along with the 1 GB of RAM. It is also going to be another first for Nokia. All in all, the Nokia N8-01 is expected to be the device that will once again push Nokia back to the top of the spectrum when it comes to the high end smartphone segment. The exact availability of this device has not been revealed by Nokia.
19 Mei 2011
Samsung Galaxy S2 is the Latest Craze in the Mobile Phone World
The incredible success managed by the Galaxy S and other phones is going to be extremely hard for Samsung to achieve once again, but they have managed this exactly following the launch of the Samsung S II. This is despite the fact that it will be up against the competition that is currently include a number of phones like the Motorola Atrix and the rumoured iPhone 5. The Galaxy S II manages to disperse the competition in the same way that its predecessor once did by virtue of having almost every single new technology without discretion.
The Samsung Galaxy S II manages to include a 4.3 inch display in the phone, which is a slight improvement from the 4 inch unit of the previous phone. However, the most astonishing aspect of the new phone has to be the way that it has managed this increase without actually increasing the dimensions of the phone. In fact, the new phone is smaller than the previous version in many regards and the thickness of the phone is just 8.3 mm. This should make it the thinnest phone in the world by some margin as the iPhone 5 is not expected to beat this figure. The Samsung Galaxy S II will also possess the Super AMOLED Plus technology, which is the next version of the Super AMOLED technology used in the predecessor. Everybody could clearly see the advantages of using this technology in the previous phone and it is expected to make the difference in this phone once again.
The Samsung Galaxy S II will also provide an on-board memory of 16 GB, which can also be opted out in favour of the 32 GB version. Even if you choose the wrong version of internal memory initially, you have the opportunity to rectify it by using memory cards of the micro-SD variety. The phone can accept around 32 GB of maximum memory by this process, which should make the Samsung Galaxy S II: the best phones in terms of the total memory that can be present in any given phone. The Samsung Galaxy S II will also offer the 1.2 GHz dual core processor, which is a tad better than the 1 GHz dual core unit expected in the iPhone 5. One will be extremely happy to have this processor in the phone, which has been modified from the 1 GHz unit after the initial rumours suggested that the iPhone 5 also came with one. Now, it features a much improved 1.2 GHz unit, which is one of the most powerful processors launched up until now.
The Samsung Galaxy S II has most of the connectivity features given that it is the phone that is set to replace the current flagship model of the company. The Samsung Galaxy S II was expected to sport a price tag of around £ 600 initially, but it seems to have been reduced to just £ 500, which is a very good price tag for one of this amount of features.
The Samsung Galaxy S II manages to include a 4.3 inch display in the phone, which is a slight improvement from the 4 inch unit of the previous phone. However, the most astonishing aspect of the new phone has to be the way that it has managed this increase without actually increasing the dimensions of the phone. In fact, the new phone is smaller than the previous version in many regards and the thickness of the phone is just 8.3 mm. This should make it the thinnest phone in the world by some margin as the iPhone 5 is not expected to beat this figure. The Samsung Galaxy S II will also possess the Super AMOLED Plus technology, which is the next version of the Super AMOLED technology used in the predecessor. Everybody could clearly see the advantages of using this technology in the previous phone and it is expected to make the difference in this phone once again.
The Samsung Galaxy S II will also provide an on-board memory of 16 GB, which can also be opted out in favour of the 32 GB version. Even if you choose the wrong version of internal memory initially, you have the opportunity to rectify it by using memory cards of the micro-SD variety. The phone can accept around 32 GB of maximum memory by this process, which should make the Samsung Galaxy S II: the best phones in terms of the total memory that can be present in any given phone. The Samsung Galaxy S II will also offer the 1.2 GHz dual core processor, which is a tad better than the 1 GHz dual core unit expected in the iPhone 5. One will be extremely happy to have this processor in the phone, which has been modified from the 1 GHz unit after the initial rumours suggested that the iPhone 5 also came with one. Now, it features a much improved 1.2 GHz unit, which is one of the most powerful processors launched up until now.
The Samsung Galaxy S II has most of the connectivity features given that it is the phone that is set to replace the current flagship model of the company. The Samsung Galaxy S II was expected to sport a price tag of around £ 600 initially, but it seems to have been reduced to just £ 500, which is a very good price tag for one of this amount of features.
Arti lambang Banyuwangi
1. DAUN LAMBANG BERBENTUK PERISAI, di tengah- tengah lambang berdiri tegak lurus garis berwarna
putih membelah dasar lambang secara simetris menjadi dua bagian sebelah kiri warna hitam, bagian sebelah kanan warna hijau.
berbutir 17 sebelah kanan dan 8 buah kapas sebelah kiri. Selat Bali dan Samudra Indonesia serta Kawah Ijen dilukiskan dengan warna biru.
3. DI BAGIAN ATAS TENGAH, yakni di atas Peta Kabupaten Banyuwangi terlukiskan sebuah bintang
bersudut lima dengan warna kuning emas melekat pada garis tegak lurus tersebut di atas. Bintang tersebut bersinar lima.
PITA KUNING, menghiasi bagian bawah dengan berisikan tulisan B A N Y U W A N G I, dengan warna
PITA PUTIH SEBAGAI DASAR, pada bagian bawah di luar daun lambang dengan berisikan tulisan
SATYA BHAKTI PRAJA MUKTI, berwarna hitam, yang menyatu garis tepi perisai.
1. DAUN LAMBANG BERBENTUK PERISAI, adalah lambang keamanan dan ketentraman serta kejujuran
melambangkan dasar dan keinginan hidup rakyat Kabupaten Banyuwangi.
BINTANG DENGAN WARNA KUNING EMAS, adalah lambang Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa, bersudut lima
dan bersinar lima dengan garis tegak berarti berdiri tegak atas dasar Pancasila yang merupakan dasar dan falsafah Negara yang senantiasa dijunjung tinggi serta selalu menyinari jiwa rakyat Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Bintang bersinar lima menyinari Peta Kabupaten Banyuwangi, padi dan kapas.
PADI DAN KAPAS, lambang sandang pangan yang menjadi kebutuhan pokok rakyat sehari-hari,
gambar padi berbutir 17 buah dan kapas 8 buah melambangkan saat-saat kramat bagi Bangsa Indonesia yaitu tanggal 17 Agustus 1945.
PETA KABUPATEN BANYUWANGI, yang terdapat banyak sungai-sungai dilukiskan warna kuning dan
hijau serta di lingkungan Selat Bali dan Samudra Indonesia melambangkan sumber kemakmuran daerah.
PITA BERISIKAN TULISAN BANYUWANGI, menunjukkan Daerah Kabupaten Banyuwangi.
makna selalu mengabdi kepada kebenaran demi kesejahteraan dan kebahagiaan rakyat
16 Mei 2011
IDM 6.05 Full
Ini adalah IDM versi yang terbaru . IDM adalah software downloader tercepat yang banyak digunakan para browser pada zaman ini.
OK tak usah banyak bacot ini link downloadnya : Download
Setelah di download lalu di extract >> setelah itu jangan lupa di patch agar tidak trial.
Patch sudah ada di dalam folder
Selamat mencoba. . .
Windows 8 ( Coming Soon )
Setelah Microsoft meluncurkan Operating System Windows 7 kini vendor besar tersebut sedang mengembangkan generasi penerusnya, tentu sebagian dari kita sudah mengetahui bahwa generasi penerusnya adalah Windows 8.
Rencananya Microsoft akan meluncurkan produk barunya ini pada tahun 2012, tentunya upgrade yang dilakukan oleh Microsoft pada Windows ini pasti memiliki kelebihan dari sebelumnya. Dari pihak Microsoft hanya mengatakan bahwa akan ada sekitar 2 kemampuan baru yang akan dimiliki oleh windows 8, yaitu BranchCache dan Distributed File System Replication (DFSR).
* DFSR (Distributed File System Replication)
Distributed File System Replikasi adalah kemampuan untuk menyinkronkan isi darifolder atau persamaan berbasis multi-platform , jadi di windows 8, kita dapat berkomunikasi dengan server yang meskipun bebeda OS. DFSR juga diharapkan untuk menghemat bandwidth WAN sebesar 80% melalui kompresi diferensial On-The-Wire.
* BranchCache
BranchCache adalah kemampuan untuk mengakses file dari intranet dan membuatsalinan lokal , sehingga program ini dapat bekerja lebih cepat tetapi BranchCache memerlukan kapasitas hard drive yang besar.
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