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27 Mei 2011

Profil Farah Quiin



Nama: Farah Quinn                                                                        Nick Name: Farah
Tanggal lahir: 8 Apr 1980                                                             Status: Menikah
Zodiak: Aries                                                                                  Lahir di: Bandung
  Sexy Chef. Begitulah orang sering menyebut Farah Fauzan Quinn atau yang biasa dipanggil Farah Quinn.  Pada masa-masa awal kemunculan di sebuah stasiun televisi, banyak yang berkomentar menanggapi penampilannya. Ada yang suka, ada yang menganggap sebelah mata. Tak sedikit pula yang meragukan keahlian memasaknya. Ia kerap dikira sebagai seorang model cantik dan seksi yang berpura-pura pintar memasak. Namun, Farah menanggapinya dengan santai, "Ambil sisi positifnya saja." Ia mengaku hanya mencoba menjalankan hidupnya dengan sebaik baiknya. Tak mudah meraih apa yang telah Farah dapatkan. Semua butuh kerja keras. Perempuan yang hobi travelling ini selalu menyempatkan diri untuk mencari inovasi baru untuk resep masakannya. Selain itu, ia juga tak pernah berhenti belajar.

Semua itu juga tak lepas dari kebiasaan yang selama ini ia jalani. Sebagai seorang koki, ia kerap mencoba berbagai resep masakan. Farah pun hobi makan. Untuk menjaga kebugaran dan keindahan bentuk tubuhnya, ia sangat menjaga asupan makanan yang masuk ke tubuhnya.
Farah menghindari makanan yang banyak mengandung gula, gosong karbohidrat dan minim gizi, seperti nasi putih dan roti tawar putih. Sebagai gantinya Farah mengkonsumsi gandum, oatmeal, nasi merah. Farah juga lebih suka memakan buah-buahan. Pola makanan sehat juga ia terapkan untuk buah hatinya Armand Fauzan Quinn yang kini berusia 2,5 tahun.

Selain itu, ia rutin berolahraga. Semua itu ia lakukan semenjak ia melahirkan. Farah tak mau bentuk tubuhnya berubah. Bahkan, ia sengaja menaruh berbagai macam peralatan gym di lantai dua di rumahnya. Saat syutingpun, ia mewajibkan peralatan gym ada di area syuting. "Banyak artis menghabiskan uang untuk beli alat rias atau baju. Kalau saya, duit habis untuk beli peralatan gym."
Tubuh yang bugar, menurut Farah, juga penting untuk menunjang kegiatannya sebagai koki. Kebanyakan orang, ujarnya, hanya melihat sisi "glamour" kehidupan chef.  Padahal, pada kenyataannya pekerjaan itu juga membutuhkan otot yang prima. Misalnya, dalam banyak hal dia harus mengerjakan sendiri ketika harus mengangkat gandum atau bahan makanan lain yang berat-berat. "Jadi kalau soal cedera atau tangan teriris saya sudah alami semua."
Sarjana Finance
Farah lahir di Bandung, 8 April 1980. Masa kecilnya di Sumatera kerap ia habiskan untuk membantu sang ibu di dapur.  Lepas SMA, Farah melanjutkan kuliah di jurusan Finance di Indiana University Of Pennsylvania, Amerika Serikat. Jurusan yang sebenarnya tak ingin ia masuki. Maklumlah ia lebih suka mempelajari resep masakan ketimbang belajar ekonomi. Tapi saat itu, perempuan berkulit coklat ini yakin, keinginannya pasti akan ditentang oleh sang ayah. Karena itulah Farah memutuskan untuk mengambil jurusan finance.

Setelah berhasil menyelesaikan gelar sarjananya, Farah pun mengambil keputusan. Ia hanya akan bekerja untuk sesuatu yang ia sukai. Tawaran melanjutkan S2 dari sang ayah pun ditolak.

Farah mengakui bahwa dirinya bukanlah tipikal pekerja kantoran. Karena itulah Farah memulai karirnya di Lydia's Pittsburgh, sebuah restoran Italia terkenal di Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Ia juga melanjutkan pendidikannya di Pittsburgh Culinary Institute dan mengambil kelas pastry.

Setelah lulus, Farah pindah ke Phoenix, Arizona. Ia kemudian bekerja di Arizona Biltmore Resort. Farah juga sempat mengikuti World Pastry Championship dan mendapatkan kesempatan belajar memasak pada Chef Ewald Notter and Colette Peters. Tahun 2005, keberuntungan membawa Farah dalam acara pertemuan G8 di Sea Island Georgia. Di bawah bimbingan Chef James Mullaney, ia menciptakan menu dessert yang spesial. Hidangan penutup itu disajikan untuk beberapa orang seperti Ibu Negara Laura Bush dan delegasi dunia lain.

Pada tahun 2005, ia menikah dengan Carson Quinn. Ia dan suaminya kemudian membuka restoran sendiri, Camus. Restoran itu dianugerahi 4 bintang untuk masakan dan juga banyak penghargaan lainnya. Farah memperoleh banyak ketenaran. Gara-gara restorannya, nama Farah mulai tenar. Ia kerap tampil di beberapa koran dan majalah.
Suatu hari ia menunjukkan portofolionya kepada Helmi Yahya. Presenter kondang itu tertarik dan kemudian mengajak Farah untuk tampil sebagai bintang tamu dalam sebuah acara. Beberapa lama setelah itu Farah dihubungi oleh sebuah stasiun TV. Ia ditawari untuk membawakan sebuah acara masak-memasak. Farah mengiyakan. Farah Quinnn resmi membawakan acara "Ala Chef" di Trans TV.

Kini, istri dari Carson Quinn ini, telah memetik hasil dari keseriusannya di dunia kuliner. Dia menjadi seorang selebriti. Namanya makin dikenal di Indonesia.

Cyber Crime Polda Tangani Foto Syur Syahrini

Kecewa dengan beredarnya foto-foto syur pribadinya, Syahrini meminta pihak Kepolisian untuk secepatnya mengusut tuntas kasus tersebut, hingga ditemukan pelakunya untuk diproses secara hukum. Kabag Humas Polres Jakarta Selatan, AKP Aswin mengungkapkan jika saat ini kasus tersebut telah dilimpahkan ke Cyber Crime Polda.

Kecewa dengan beredarnya foto-foto syur pribadinya, Syahrini meminta pihak Kepolisian untuk secepatnya mengusut tuntas kasus tersebut, hingga ditemukan pelakunya untuk diproses secara hukum. Kabag Humas Polres Jakarta Selatan, AKP Aswin mengungkapkan jika saat ini kasus tersebut telah dilimpahkan ke Cyber Crime Polda.
"Saat ini kasusnya sudah dilimpahkan ke cyber crime Polda Metro Jaya. Sudah sejak hari Jumat minggu kemarin," ungkapnya Kamis (26/5) seperti dikutip dari Okezone.
Lebih lanjut Aswin mengatakan jika kasus Syahrini ini termasuk dalam kejahatan dunia maya, dan yang berhak menangani kasus ini hanyalah Polda Metro Jaya.
"Karena memang Polda yang berhak menangani kasus itu. Kan Polda yang punya unit cyber crime, makanya dari Polres dilimpahkan ke Polda," tukasnya.
Hingga saat ini Polda Metro Jaya masih mengusut siapa pelaku penyebar foto tersebut. Foto-foto syur Syahrini yang muncul beberapa minggu lalu memang menghebohkan publik, terlebih dengan pose-pose syurnya.

25 Mei 2011

Profil Julia Perez




Nama: Julia Perez                                                                    Nick Name: Jupe
Tanggal lahir: 15 Jul 1980                                                      Status: Janda
Zodiak: Cancer                                                                        Lahir di: Jakarta
Debut: Sinetron Cinta Lokasi (2002)

Julia Perez adalah sosok selebritis kontroversial. Ia dikenal sebagai artis yang gemar mengumbar kemolekan tubuhnya, namun pada periode Maret 2010, tiba-tiba ia mencalonkan diri dalam pemilihan kepala daerah, Bupati Pacitan. Sontak pro kontra   merebak.
Julia, yang akrab dipanggil Jupe tak seperti sebagian selebritis yang meniti karir sejak kecil. Awalnya, ia adalah peserta training sekretaris di perusahaan swasta. Ia muncul sebagai bintang adalah buah dari perkenalan dengan seorang model pria, Damien Perez (Yusuf Perez) yang kemudian menjadi suaminya.
Jupe, wanita keturunan Sunda-Betawi ini menikah dengan Damien di Prancis pada 7 Oktober 2002. Di negeri suaminya, Damian memberi kesempatan pada Jupe tampil sebagai model FHM dan Maxim, dua majalah dengan jaringan internasional yang menonjolkan keindahan tubuh wanita.
Pada 2002-2003, bintang yang kerap tampil seksi ini mulai dikenal di Tanah Air lewat sejumlah sinetron, seperti Cinta Lokasi, Komedi Nakal, Penjaga Pantai serta Lepas Malam. Kerap tampil seksi membuat ia masuk nominasi 100 wanita terseksi versi majalah FHM dan Maxim.
Jupe, kemudian memilih menetap di Indonesia. Sinetron yang dibintangi pun semakin berderet, seperti Maafkan Aku, Kejar Maya, Rahasia Ilahi, Hidayah, Doa, Mimpi Manis, Perempuan Teraniaya.
Sukses di dunia sinetron, Jupe melebarkan sayap ke dunia tarik suara. Pada April 2008, ia meluncurkan album perdananya, Kama dengan hit single Belah Duren. Album perdana ini kemudian menjadi polemik.
Bukan hanya lagunya yang agak vulgar, tapi juga karena Jupe memberikan kondom gratis bagi pembeli albumnya. Bahkan album perdana ini diprotes, ia pun dicekal tampil di beberapa daerah.
Kebetulan Jupe memang dikenal sebagai bintang iklan kondom Sutra. Bahkan, pertengahan November 2009, Jupe dipercaya sebagai duta kondom. Dalam tempo tiga tahun ia akan bertugas berkampanye dan memberikan pengetahuan serta pendidikan tentang HIV/AIDS.
Di luar itu, Jupe juga menjajaki bermain di film layar lebar. Ia main peran di film Hantu Jamu Gendong produksi Indika Entertainment. Januari 2010, Jupe bermain di Ssssttt...Jadikan Aku Simpanan, di mana ia berperan jadi Tisha, seorang wanita simpanan. Seperti biasa, ia selalu diminta beradegan seksi, termasuk dalam film horor sekalipun.
Akhir Januari 2010, Jupe menegaskan telah bergabung dengan manajemen milik Maia Estianty. Baginya Maia adalah salah satu inspirator dalam bermusik dan ia berharap karirnya bisa sesukses Maia.
Mengikuti sepak terjangnya di dunia hiburan, nama Jupe selalu menjadi buah bibir di media. Bukan semata karena perjalanan karirnya yang penuh liku, namun juga karena foto seksi pribadi yang beredar di internet. Jupe terlihat seksi baik berpose sendirian maupun bersama teman-temannya.
Pada awal Oktober 2009, Jupe mengakui hubungan dengan sang ayah, Angkasajaya memburuk. Itu terungkap dari langkah Jupe melaporkan ayahnya ke kepolisian. Laporan ini dipicu lantaran Angkasajaya mengancam akan membunuh Jupe dan mama.
Kendati menjadi sosok kontroversial, sejumlah lembaga malah mengangkat Jupe sebagai ikon. Sebut saja misalnya Persatuan Catur Seluruh Indonesia (Percasi) yang memilih artis seksi itu sebagai ikon. Itu terlihat peluncuran turnamen "Julia Perez Rapid Chess Open Tournament" di gedung Piramyd BPG, Senayan, Jakarta pada 5 Oktober 2006.
Setahun kemudian, pada Agustus 2007, Jupe menjadi pembawa acara pertandingan sepak bola antara Persija dan PSS Sleman di Stadion Lebak Bulus, Jakarta. Dia mengaku menjadi presenter untuk mengobati rasa kangen pada suami. "Banyak pemain sepak bola Indonesia yang ganteng, jadi obat rasa kangen ke suami."

Meski telah menikah lama dengan Damien Perez pada Oktober 2002, keduanya belum dikaruniai anak. Jupe pernah keguguran pada 2007. Pada beberapa kesempatan, Jupe mengaku menunda "momongan" karena ingin konsentrasi pada karirnya.
Namun, saat karir menanjak sukses, kehidupan rumah tangganya malah sebaliknya. Pada awal 2009, rumah tangga mereka mulai goyah. Hal itu diduga dipicu kedekatan Jupe dengan pemain bola Persiba asal Brazil, Gaston Castano. Bahkan pada awal Maret 2009, Jupe tampak intim dan libur bersama Gaston di sebuah pantai.
Meski proses perceraian dengan Damien belum beres, Jupe berani tampil blak-blakan bersama Gaston di depan publik. Tanpa tedeng aling-aling mereka berpose bareng di sesi pemotretan majalah pria terbitan ibu kota di Tanjung Berung, Ujung Kulon, dengan mengenakan busana pantai.
Pada Awal Juli 2009, Jupe berencana bertolak ke Prancis bersama Damien guna memproses perceraiannya. Keduanya juga sepakat menanggung biaya perceraian bersama-sama. Namun hingga kini  belum ada kejelasan soal rencana perceraian ini.

Seolah tak puas berkarir di dunia entertainment, Jupe kini mulai merambah dunia bisnis. Bisnis yang dipilihnya adalah mendirikan sekolah sepak bola Champions Soccer School di Rasuna Said. Dalam bisnis ini, Gaston akan membantunya. Jupe juga berniat mengimpor pemain bola.
Untuk urusan bisnis bola itu, pada akhir 2009, Jupe bersama Gaston berangkat ke Argentina. Dalam kesempatan itu, Jupa memanfaatkan untuk bertemu dengan keluarga Gaston. Tak mengherankan, jika Jupe kian lengket dengan Gaston, mereka selalu terlihat berdua ke mana saja.

22 Mei 2011

Cech Won Nomination The best player

Happy birthday Petr Cech - 29 years old today and the new Chelsea Player of the Year.
But the reasons to celebrate in the remaining few hours of the season are unlikely to end there. If, as expected, he is selected in goal for the visit to Everton on Sunday, Petr will become the footballer from overseas who has played the most games in Chelsea history. He will also have played all 38 league matches this season.
CechOne of the famous 'spine' of players that has carried the club to unprecedented trophy success in the past seven years, Petr was selected for the first competitive game after his arrival in London SW6 and didn't look back. Only injury, especially the skull fracture suffered in October 2006, has interrupted his run as the keeper of choice for a succession of managers.
Sunday will be his 313th Chelsea appearance, taking him clear of the total recorded by Gianfranco Zola who didn't join Chelsea, or indeed leave his home national of Italy, until he was a year older than Petr is today.
Chelsea has an excellent track record for foreign player settling in well here and Petr, who joined at the age of 22, can be added to that list. For him it was a move made all the more easy by the fact he had done his 'leaving home' when he transferred to France aged 19.
He went there to play in the first team at Rennes in the French top flight and although in football such moves are considered normal, it is a very young age for anyone to change countries and be expected to work well in a man's world, especially one under the spotlight that professional football shines.
'It is a big part of growing up because suddenly when you move to another country you don't know how it works and you don't know the mentality of the people,' Petr agrees
'You don't know the everyday problems and the language is different, and then you have the pressure of coming to the club and you need to do well if you want your career to go in the right way. It really is tough, and not everybody manages to go through because there are always plenty of problems but it just depends on how solid you are and determined to go through. If you are strong you go through and it might make you even stronger and better, and then more comfortable.
'I couldn't say a word in French when I joined Rennes and I had about 12 days before we kicked-off the first league game, so in 12 days I needed to get as many French words as I could regarding football so that I could play the game with no major problems.
'So I was learning it eight hours a day and it was hard because you are still in a pre-season where you need to get fit. So you finish your session and you go for a two-hour French course and then you learn at home and you try to listen on the television. At the same time you need to find your house, find your car, work out how to open a bank account, and the first month was really tough.
'I never gave up and I decided to go at it with everything I could. There were moments when I was thinking oh my god, it is much tougher than I thought but the thought to go home never crossed my mind.'
Petr did have the support of his wife-to-be, Martina, who moved to Rennes with him and his dedication meant he was speaking French well in just three months. He felt an extra pressure as a goalkeeper from abroad moving to a league traditionally full of high-quality homegrown players in his position. The 19-year-old needed to justify his presence.
'I had a good start on the pitch,' he reports, 'and everything became much easier.
'So when I was going to England to join Chelsea I already had the experience of coming into a new country with all this stuff that came with it. So I knew what to do and I also had the massive advantage that I spoke the language.
'In Rennes the whole town is behind one club and it is like a family which I really enjoyed. People said that wasn't the same in the big clubs because everybody is fighting for places but from the first minute I joined Chelsea I felt really welcome and at home which helped me to settle quickly.'
Chelsea reaped the benefit during a first season that saw Petr set a new Premier League record for minutes without conceding a goal and the team winning the league with a record low total of goals conceded. Our new keeper was in the kind of form we have all been enjoying this year, the form that won the fans' poll for the best man in blue that was announced last night, the fifth goalie to win the award.
'This is one of the best seasons I have ever played for Chelsea and I can compare it to the first season,' Petr decides.
'The only difference is that unfortunately we didn't win any trophies, but from a personal point of view I rate this season the same as my first season although I think at times I have played even better than my first season.'
Blackburn v Chelsea
And the reasons why? Back in July our keeper told this website that having enjoyed a summer without football, he was feeling fresh and ready to go. And the fact he has been injury-free cannot be a coincidence either. It is characteristic of the studious Czech that he has the numbers readily at hand.
'If I play on Sunday it will be the first time in my career I have played every league game in a season because with Sparta Prague I didn't start the season, I played from the third or fourth game. Then in France in the first year there were two games when I was injured and in the second year there were seven games I was injured.
'Then in the first year at Chelsea, Carlo [Cudicini] played the last three games after we had won the league. Since then I have never managed to be injury free.
'When you have a long season like last year when we won the Double and you imagine I then went to the World Cup and had extra games, maybe I wouldn't have been as fresh as I was this season. Coming back fresh was definitely a great help.'
Earlier in this interview the many members of Chelsea's foreign legion who settled well at the club were referred to. Plenty loved life in London and its surrounds so much they have never left, even after packing up playing.
It is easy to see Petr being Chelsea's No. 1 for many years to come and maybe even doubling his 312-game tally. But when the day comes for him to leave, will England remain part of his life?
'Definitely,' he insists.
'I have been living here for seven years and the connection with London will always be there and it will always be a place where I will be more than happy to come back to, if I ever leave. In a football career you never know how long you are going to be somewhere or how long you are going to play for and we will see, but I know definitely this is a place I will always remember with great memories.
'It is not only about playing 313 games for the club as an overseas player. I have played already 312 games for one of the leading clubs in Europe and I take that as a great achievement in my career.
'Not everybody can say I have come from Czech Republic and I have played more than 300 games for one of the best clubs in the world, but it is what I have achieved and I am very proud of it.'

Govt submits 2012 macroeconomic assumptions to House

The government has submitted to the House of Representatives its macroeconomic assumptions for the 2012 fiscal year, including expected economic growth of between 6.5 and 6.9 percent.
Inflation is expected to be between 3.5 and 5.5 percent, the three-month SPN (treasury bill) rate would be between 5.5 and 7.5 percent, and the rupiah will be between 9,000 and 9,300 per US dollar, Finance Minister Agus Martowardodjo told a House plenary session on Friday.
Crude oil prices have been set at between US$75 and $95 per barrel, while oil lifting would be between 950,000-970,000 barrels per day.
"To reach the economic growth expansion and acceleration targets, we will first push growth in [outer] regions through the development of the economic corridors.
“Second, [we will] boost infrastructure developments to support inter-region connectivity, and third, [we will] push for more rapid developments in Papua and West Papua," Agus said.
"The increase in volume of 2012 state spending ... will be supported by measures to increase state revenue, either that from taxes or non-tax elements," he said.


Petr Cech is Chelsea Player of the Year for 2010/11.
More than 28,000 fans voted for the award, which was handed over by manager Carlo Ancelotti to a goalkeeper whose performances rarely fall below excellent.
Cech, the 43rd recipient of this famous award, who will become our top foreign appearance maker at Everton this weekend, said: 'I have been here seven years now and playing with some of the best players in the world doesn't make it easy for a goalkeeper to win an award, but I am really pleased. I really appreciate it because having played for such a great club with great players, to win Player of the Year is a great achievement.
'I love the club since I started playing, and I feel at home here. There are players here when I joined the club still here, we have had good years, worse years, average years, but they made me feel at home and that's why I look forward to the future.
'You always want to win everything but especially the Champions League now, that is the only one missing.'
Ancelotti said of his goalkeeper: 'I am happy with Petr because he played well every time. I was quiet on the bench with Petr in goal. He is a fantastic professional and a fantastic man. Keep going, well done.'
Also in the top three were Branislav Ivanovic and Didier Drogba.
Ashley Cole was voted Chelsea Players' Player of the Year by his peers, those who train alongside him or backroom staff who work regularly with the defender.
The 30-year-old left back said: 'For me as a player you can't beat this kind of award when the people you see every day, I see them as my family, to be awarded by these guys is a pleasure.
'As a team we never gave up, we always had confidence but we fell short and hopefully next season things will change and we'll get back our title.'
Cole Award
Ramires won Chelsea TV's Goal of the Season award, after his stunning individual effort against Manchester City.
The midfielder beat two challenges on his way to smashing the ball past City goalkeeper Joe Hart to seal an important 2-0 win back in March.
Ramires was handed his trophy by Help A Capital Child Ambassadors and Chelsea fans Lisa Snowdon and Johnny Vaughan.
Chelsea's Young Player of the Year was Josh McEachran. The 18-year-old midfielder made his first-team debut in 2010, and has impressed with his fine touch, vision and passing ability.
He was awarded the honour by former Chelsea manager Tommy Docherty, and said: It's my first proper award and I'm really pleased to win it. My debut was just what I was waiting for, I've been at Chelsea since I was seven and this is a dream come true.'
Former captain Ron Harris was handed a special recognition award for his 795 appearances and important place in the club's history. He was led the team to our first FA Cup in 1970 and followed that up a year later with the Cup Winners' Cup, 40 years ago this week. His 2011 accolade was presented by former team-mate and defensive partner John Dempsey.
Upon receiving the award, 'Chopper' said: 'John and frank have played 500 times, so they have a long way to go and I'm quietly confident that I'll still be the leading appearance maker. They've been looking a little bit grey lately! They've scored goals better than me. In my 21 years I only ever scored 13, but we had some fantastic goalkeepers in my time! I remember every goal I've scored! I've been in the game a long, long time and I'm very, very proud.'
Asked about the earlier winners, Ancelotti said: 'Josh is very young but has a lot of personality and big quality. We are showing very good talent from the Academy, and we won the reserve league. we hope that not just Josh but also other young players will come through in the future.
'I want to say thanks to everyone for Ramires because he didn't speak! Ashley played with continuity and has fantastic experience. He is the best left-back in the world and I hope he will be able to maintain the same quality on the pitch, but we have a lot of fantastic players and I am happy to train these players every day.'

1968 Charlie Cooke
1969 David Webb
1970 John Hollins
1971 John Hollins
1972 David Webb
1973 Peter Osgood
1974 Gary Locke
1975 Charlie Cooke
1976 Ray Wilkins
1977 Ray Wilkins
1978 Micky Droy
1979 Tommy Langley
1980 Clive Walker
1981 Petar Borota
1982 Mike Fillery
1983 Joey Jones
1984 Pat Nevin
1985 David Speedie
1986 Eddie Niedzwiecki
1987 Pat Nevin
1988 Tony Dorigo
1989 Graham Roberts
1990 Ken Monkou
1991 Andy Townsend
1992 Paul Elliott
1993 Frank Sinclair
1994 Steve Clarke
1995 Erland Johnsen
1996 Ruud Gullit
1997 Mark Hughes
1998 Dennis Wise
1999 Gianfranco Zola
2000 Dennis Wise
2001 John Terry
2002 Carlo Cudicini
2003 Gianfranco Zola
2004 Frank Lampard
2005 Frank Lampard
2006 John Terry
2007 Michael Essien
2008 Joe Cole
2009 Frank Lampard
2010 Didier Drogba
2011 Petr Cech

1984 Robert Isaac
1985 Gareth Hall
1986 Micky Bodley
1987 Jason Cundy
1988 Eddie Cunnington
1989 No award
1990 No award
1991 Andy Myers
1992 Zeke Rowe
1993 Neil Shipperley
1994 Mark Nicholls
1995 Chris McCann
1996 Jody Morris
1997 Nick Crittenden
1998 John Terry
1999 Sam Dalla Bona
2000 Rhys Evans
2001 Leon Knight
2002 Carlton Cole
2003 Robert Huth
2004 Robert Huth
2005 Robert Huth
2006 Lassana Diarra
2007 John Mikel Obi
2008 The U18s youth team
2009 Michael Mancienne
2010 The U18s youth team
2011 Josh McEachran

CHELSEA GOAL OF THE SEASON 2007 Michael Essien v Arsenal (home)
2008 Juliano Belletti v Tottenham (home)
2009 Michael Essien v Barcelona (home)
2010 Ashley Cole v Sunderland (home)
2011 Ramires v Manchester City (home)

2007 Didier Drogba
2008 Ricardo Carvalho
2009 Ashley Cole
2010 Florent Malouda
2011 Ashley Cole

Here to Play, Here to Stay: Chelsea on Tour

hong_kong_tour Chelsea’s summer tour for 2011 will be to Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok and Hong Kong. It’s been three years since the Blues were in Asia and this time they will play four matches, including two in the Barclays Asia Trophy.
Chelsea will be in Kuala Lumpur for 21st July, Thailand for 24th July and Hong Kong for 27th and 30th July.
The club has a great tour information page on the website which includes details about buying tickets and the opportunity to sign up for the tour newsletter. The coolest feature, however, might be the opportunity to put your face on the 2011 summer tour flag! Chelsea’s “mega match flag” will be made up of thousands of supporters’ images. Even if you can’t watch the lads play in Asia this summer, you can add your face through the Facebook app like I did, and be represented on tour!
While you’re at it, this is a great time to connect with Chelsea supporters around the world. Did you know that there are Official Supporters Clubs in Hong Kong, Thailand and Malaysia? As a Canadian and a true blue Chelsea supporter, I know the club has fans across the globe. I sincerely value being a member of the Official Supporters Club of Vancouver as I always have friends to watch matches with when I’m not in the UK. Furthermore, since starting Miss SW6 I’ve had the privilege to connect with many more international Chelsea supporters, including several in Asia. They are just as fanatical about Chelsea as the rest of us and they know their football!
I wish the team the best of luck in Asia this summer and hope they have a safe and fun trip. (I do hope they’ll tour North America again soon, as well!)

Barcelona wins, Ronaldo sets Spanish 40-goal mark

King of Spain: Real Madrid's Cristiano Ronaldo from Portugal (right) celebrates scoring against Almeria during a Spanish La Liga soccer match at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium in Madrid, Saturday (Sunday Jakarta time). Ronaldo set a record of 40 goals this season to become the Spanish league top scorer. (AP/Paul White)King of Spain: Real Madrid's Cristiano Ronaldo from Portugal (right) celebrates scoring against Almeria during a Spanish La Liga soccer match at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium in Madrid, Saturday (Sunday Jakarta time). Ronaldo set a record of 40 goals this season to become the Spanish league top scorer. (AP/Paul White)
Barcelona closed out its third straight league crown in style as a team made up mostly of reserves recovered for a 3-1 victory at Malaga on Saturday, while Cristiano Ronaldo scored twice in Real Madrid's 8-1 thrashing of Almeria to set a Spanish league scoring record.
While the top two both finished off with victories, Deportivo La Coruna lost 2-0 to Valencia to be relegated into the second division for the first time in 20 years, joining Hercules and Almeria.
Deportivo was among six teams in risk of going down on the final day and Aritz Aduritz's fourth-minute goal left it in a desperate situation early at El Rizaor Stadium. Roberto Soldado added the second goal in the final seconds.
Deportivo, which won one league and two Copa del Rey trophies after coming up in 1991, set a record for relegated teams with 43 points.
"We tried everything, what more can we do? We created chances but the ball didn't want to go in," said Deportivo forward Juan Carlos Valeron.
Zaragoza ensured it stayed up with a 2-1 win at Levante, Getafe and Real Sociedad both remained after a 1-1 draw, and Osasuna beat Villarreal 1-0 to ensure its spot.
Mallorca finished 17th and in the last topflight spot despite Sergio Aguero's hat-trick guiding Atletico Madrid to a 4-3 win. Mallorca fans invaded the Juegos Mediterraneos Stadium field to celebrate, while at Deportivo supporters wept in the stands.
At the Santiago Bernabeu, Ronaldo poked home after just four minutes to break the record before striking again in the 77th with a hard shot past goalkeeper Esteban Suarez to set a new mark of 40 goals in a single season. Ronaldo had shared the mark of 38 with Athletic Bilbao's Telmo Zarra and Madrid's Hugo Sanchez, the league scoring leaders from the 1950-51 and 1989-90 seasons.
"To score so many goals in a season is very hard. I have to thank my teammates," Ronaldo said. "The (scoring title) is for them and the fans too."
Emmanuel Adebayor scored a hat trick while Karim Benzema also added a brace as Madrid routed already-relegated Almeria to take its goal tally for the season to 102 from 38 games.
Madrid finished four points behind Barcelona, which recorded its league record 14th victory in 18 away games to finish its 21st title-winning season with 96 points.
Bojan Krkic's penalty just before half time canceled out Sebastian Fernandez's 31st-minute opener for Malaga before Ibrahim Afellay and Marc Bartra scored late second-half goals eight minutes apart to secure victory.
Afellay made amends for spoiling an earlier solo chance by cutting into the middle to curl a long-range strike beyond goalkeeper Willy Caballero in the 76th.
Bartra scored his first goal with the senior team as the defender found himself alone inside the area to turn substitute Daniel Alves' corner home with a well-guided header.
"We're not here to grade ourselves, we're here to play a game and that's been impeccable," Barcelona coach Pep Guardiola said. "Last year we had 99 points and this year 96 - it's absolutely ridiculous."
Lionel Messi was among seven regulars left out of the squad to rest up for next Saturday's Champions League final against Manchester United at Wembley.
Ronaldo moved ahead of Messi with 53 goals overall on the season with his second strike at the Santiago Bernabeu after he opened by poking home Sergio Ramos' header.
Jerzy Dudek was given a rare start as the Polish goalkeeper played his last game for Madrid, while Adebayor showed he will be missed if the Togo striker leaves the club when his loan-spell from Manchester City expires.
Jose Luis Samartin also scored his first goal for Madrid soon after coming on as a late substitute. Kalu Uche had pulled Almeria to within 2-1 before Madrid exploded in the second half.
"For a defensive team that doesn't play football, to pass 100 goals is good," assistant coach Aitor Karanka said, making light of the criticism aimed at Jose Mourinho's tactics.
Sevilla finished fifth thanks to a 3-2 win at Espanyol, while Athletic Bilbao joins it in the Europa League after ending the season sixth with a 2-1 victory at Racing Santander. Atletico finished seventh for the last European spot but will have to go through Europa League qualifying.
Also in the final round, it was Hercules 0, Sporting Gijon 0.
Second division leader Real Betis has already assured its place in the top division.